Innifil Well Pumphouse Upgrade Fabrication Yes - Intermodal SPS Site Photograph Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades Valve Replacement Palgrave Well Pumping Station Intermodal Wastewater Pumping Station Slide Gate Installation Water Water Pumping Station Upgrade 1 Bolton Booster Pumping Station North Toronto WWTP Secondary Clafifier Overflow Trough and Weir Replacement North Toronto WWTP Secondard Clarifier Overflow Trough and Weir Replacement Milton WWTP Stand-by Generator Upgrade North Brampton Pumping Station Schomberg Pumping Station Upgrade and By-pass Bolton SBPS Vaughan Wastewater Pumping Station Intermodal Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades
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Bolton North Booster
Pumping Station

Intermodal Sewage
Pumping Station Upgrades
Milton WWTP Pumping
Station Stand-by
Generator Replacement
North Toronto WWTP Secondard Clarifier
Overflow Trough
and Weir Replacement

Palgrave Well
Pumping Station
Vaughan Wastewater
Pumping Station

Wastewater Pumping
Station Upgrades